15 Possible Causes & Risk Factors for Kidney Stones We Must Know

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Not drinking enough water or dehydration can also contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

1. Lack of Water

If you drink or eat calcium-rich foods and foods with oxalate.

2. Diet

Most common in people with inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and chronic diarrhea.

3. Gut problem

The research found that almost twice as likely to get a kidney stone if you’re obese or if your (Body Mass Index) is 30 or above.

4. Obesity

Kidney stones are common in both men and women however studies show that men are more likely to develop a kidney stones.

5. Gender

Kidney stones can affect people of all ages however likeliest to occur at age 30 or older, and your risk increases as you get older.

6. Age

Studies examined that higher sedentary time is associated with reduced kidney function and that leads to an increased risk of kidney stone formation.

7. Sedentary lifestyle

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Study found that Kidney stones are also more common in people who suffer from diabetes.

8. Diabetes

Your parathyroid glands can increase hormones level which leads to raises calcium levels in your blood and urine.

9. Hyperparathyroidism

Gout develops when the body has high levels of uric acid in the blood and form crystals in the joints and the kidneys.

10. Gout

The study found that high Blood Pressure people are at twice the risk to develop kidney stones as compared to normal people.

11. High Blood Pressure

Patients who had gastric bypass surgery or other digestive surgery have more chances to develop kidney stones because its affects calcium and oxalate absorption.

12. Recent surgery of Gut

Kidney stones develop more frequently in individuals who have a family history of kidney stones.

13. Family/Personal History

Some genetic diseases (Medullary sponge kidney, Cystinuria etc.) responsible for kidney stones

14. Genetic diseases

Studies found that increased urine calcium & elevated urine pH during pregnancy can lead to developing kidney stones.

15. Pregnancy

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1. Calcium Stone

2. Struvite Stone

3. Urate Stone

4. Cystine Stone

5. Drug-Induced Stone

5 Types of kidney stones

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